We have the pleasure of talking with longtime author and reporter Andrew Cockburn about his new book, “Spoils of War: Power, Profit and the American War Machine” How are we ever going to scale back our overseas and endless military commitments when it is so damn profitable for the defense industry and the political, parasitical culture around it? Andrew talks candidly about the “living organism” he calls the military-industrial complex, a tangled system of codependency, culture, and the almighty dollar. In the first segment, Dan and Kelley talk about Senator Ted Cruz’s obsession with Russia and the Nordstream 2 pipeline.
More from Andrew Cockburn:
Why America Goes to War - The Nation, Sept. 9
How the U.S. Military Got Rich from Afghanistan, July 19
Iraq was Donald Rumsfeld’s War. It will forever be his legacy -- The Guardian, July 5.
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