Preparing for the Weekend and Thermonuclear War
A recap of the week from the Crashing the War Party team
Good morning!
We’re taking a break this week but have no fear, we’ll be right back behind our microphones to bring you the show next week.
For now, here’s are some news highlights, commentary, and other things we have been working on to fill the void so you can stay up to date with the machinations of the Washington blob.
Have a good weekend and talk to you all next week!
-Kelley Vlahos
Tweets of the Week

The 'Price of Hegemony' Is Too Damn High, by @DanielLarison… @JustinTLogan @BH_Friedman @stephenwertheim @KelleyBVlahos

John Mearsheimer live now -- how do you get to a negotiated settlement? I can't see the Russians giving any ground or the U.S. giving any ground. Where does that leave us?…

“No doubt these client states would like the US to fight their wars for them, and that is exactly why the US needs to be rid of them.”

Johnny get your gun .... and go to Ukraine?
Must read Jeff Groom, on Iran/Afghanistan veterans making the decision to join the resistance and fight the #Russians.… @VetsAboutFace @robertwrighter @TroopsHomeUS @FabiusMaximus01 @TheWarNerd

More from the Week:
Military do-somethingism is running amok in Washington — Daniel Larison at Responsible Statecraft, 4/8
Kaplan's Obscene Cheerleading for Saudi Arabia — Daniel Larison at Eunomia, 4/2
What can the US really do to protect civilians in Ukraine? — Anatol Lieven & George Beebe at Responsible Statecraft, 4/7
From our Friends:

New Show!!
Conflicts of Interest #259: War in Ukraine Could End Too Soon for Some NATO Members
CoHost @FreemansMind96

ICYMI these Past Episodes:
-Friend or frenemy? Mitchell Plitnick discusses Middle East posturing on Russia-Ukraine
-Kelsey Atherton on the fog of war and discerning science from sci-fi in Ukraine
-Don't fear the mob: why keeping up war skepticism is healthy, with Ben Friedman
-Warning from the recent past: Don't make Ukraine another Afghanistan, w/ Matthew Hoh