The United States has over 750 military bases, installations, and outposts across 80 countries in the world. For decades, Americans have been told that the bases were necessary to protect U.S. interests, defend our allies, and keep the liberal world order safe. After World War II and throughout the Cold War, those arguments resonated. But the Iron Curtain is gone and technology today makes it unnecessary to stage massive amounts of ordnance, planes, and servicemembers everywhere, all the time, to respond to potential security crises.
This week we talk to Lawfare managing editor Tyler McBrien about his recent article on how there seems to be a slow shift in thinking on this score, and the efforts by some to get the U.S. military out of their countries for good.
In the first segment, Kelley and Dan talk about last week's G7 meeting and the Biden administration's continued attempts to coerce and cajole Asian countries to get on board with its anti-China agenda.
More from Tyler McBrien:
Unsealed Surveillance Court Document Reveals 702 Misuse, Lawfare, 5/19
Why the U.S. Should Close Its Overseas Military Bases, Foreign Policy, 5/16
Biden Administration Issues Revised Conventional Arms Transfer Policy, Lawfare, 2/23
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