As President Biden sets out to fit the world into a "democracies versus autocracies" frame and more importantly, firm up allies in his China containment policy, the countries in Southeast Asia — including Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia — have other ideas. We talk to Sebastian Strangio, Southeast Asia editor for The Diplomat, on how these countries are positioning on China, the war in Ukraine, and their complicated relationship with the United States. In the first segment, Kelley & Dan talk about reports of the CIA secretly operating in Kyiv and what this means for Biden's "no boots on the ground" strategy in Ukraine.
More from Strangio:
Australian FM Embarks on Trip to Vietnam, Malaysia, The Diplomat, 6/27/22
Philippines Nixes Joint Maritime Resource Exploration Talks With China, The Diplomat, 6/24/22
Indonesia’s President Jokowi to Visit Russia, Ukraine, The Diplomat, 6/21/22
Why Have Southeast Asian Governments Stayed Silent Over Ukraine? The Diplomat, 2/23/22
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